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Category: Rural Connectivity

Living outside of highly populated areas has certain pros and cons, especially when it comes to connectivity. Rural connectivity often lags behind urban areas creating digital gap between those two communities when it comes to standard of communication and competitiveness, especially in business settings.

When we live in rural areas we often need connectivity to contact our families and friends, we want to video call our kids or grand kids, we want to be able to message them or voice call them on WhatsApp. Living rural can make it difficult.

Running a business in rural or remote areas is challenging. Customers nowadays look to contact businesses via chats, emails, interact with them on social media platforms. Living rural and running a business in rural area sometimes makes it difficult.

How Does The Internet Bring People Together?

The ever-growing influence of the internet on our daily lives has accelerated in the past couple of years. As lockdowns and social distancing norms pushed people away physically, the ...

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Impact of Broadband for Rural Areas on Rural Internet Banking

Though the post-pandemic world has reached new levels of interconnectivity, millions of people still face difficulties in doing vital online tasks such as internet banking. To make online ban...

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How Best Satellite Broadband Helps Elderly People

Even a few years ago, many elderly people thought that the Internet is all about spoiling the young generation. Now, the time has changed. The outbreak of the Corona pandemic has taught the ...

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Do You Need to Upgrade Your Satellite Broadband Connection?

Over the last two years, lockdowns and social distancing measures have significantly changed the way we use internet. Offices and schools have shifted to the living rooms and bedrooms, contri...

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