satellite internet providers

Living in Rural Area is often challenging when it comes to good internet service. Some areas have no Fibre access and rural customers often face a dillema: Should I go with an alternative internet service provider or should I live off the grid?

It goes without saying that living in rural area affects connectivity. Access to broadband became easier with 4G connectivity but in many cases it’s not an option due to the infrastructure, or rather lack of such, and congestion.

When there is nothing available satellite internet providers are often the only option. And yet, there is a lot of resistance when it comes to satellite internet services.

First, and most common issue is affordability. Historically, satellite internet providers would offer broadband services that were both very expensive and very limited. Satellite broadband plans few years ago would offer very small data packages combined with insanely highly priced additional usage. Satellite installation was complex and expensive and speeds unusable.

That’s a history now. Anywhere Broadband offers affordable service with speeds comparable with those offered by standard broadband services. We work with Eutelsat in offering their Konnect Satellite Broadband providing internet services without a need for expensive cabling and bringing download speeds close to those that fibre providers offer. What’s more important, as satellite doesn’t need expensive ground infrastructure on a customer side, satellite internet services are available nearly anywhere in the UK.

The general landline broadband web connections require you to be close to telephone cabinets and exchanges. But, satellite internet providers deliver the same kind of service irrespective of your location. Over past few years we signed customers from rural areas of Wales, Scotland (even Shetland Islands!) and, obviously, England.

Our services are ideal for rural areas or remote locations where people face slow and inconsistent connections. Anywhere Broadband presents high-speed satellite broadband that helps you get rid of the sluggish web connection problem. Moreover, you do not need a phone line to avail of our service.

Why opt for rural Internet providers?

Deciding on Internet connection became very important over the years and good connectivity is a must if you need to work from home, run your own business or simply be up to date with today’s world. Irrespectively of where you live, in rural or urband area, you need good, reliable Internet connection with download speeds supporting what you need to do.

In certain respects it can be said that high speed affordable satellite Internet breaks down the barriers of time and distance, allowing residents of rural areas to participate in economic and civic life far beyond their geographic region. Lockdowns brought by Covid pandemic made is very clear, no one can live without being connected. We need to work, buy clothes, contact medical services, participate in online classes… and we cannot do it without Internet. Over the past few years many people decided to work from home and even move outside of the urban areas and having a reliable internet provider made this possible. Still, fibre rollout is slow. There are areas of the UK that are not connected. That won’t be connected for quite a while. 4G is often not an option as the infrastructure is simply not there. This is why opting for rural area internet providers became more important than ever. In the world where connectivity became one of the necessities of life we need to be connected. For work, for health and for leisure.

Perks of getting Satellite Internet in rural communities

When given access to affordable broadband, rural and home-based businesses, until then restricted to local markets, can expand their market reach across the nation and even the world. Having a website, an email address, give businesses connection with the external world, with clients and customers who otherwise wouldn’t be able to interact with the business.

It’s true of individuals too. Having no access to Internet restricts us immensly. Our kids and grandkids don’t care about letters, they probably don’t know how the post office works! The younger generation doesn’t even care about emails. All they want to do is video call, use WhatsApp, Messanger… or they just assume that we can see their newest TikTok video. This is how new generations operate and interact with the world. This is the new world we need to adjust to if we want to be a part of their lives.

Rural satellite broadband brings the opportunity for direct access all of this and more. When there is nothing available we can still count on Satellite Internet Providers serving most remote rural areas and giving us access to our families and friends, to education and health care, to e-commerce and Netflix or You Tube streaming. When we live in rural areas we don’t have to feel limited. Countryside residence don’t have to be restrictive. With access to high speed satellite internet services rural residents can access education, healhcare, business and whatever there is. Local businesses can talk to suppliers and customers who never visited their phisical locations. Rural libraries in the UK enhanced by high speed Internet often experience a resurgence of community interest and participation. Broadband technology provides rural residents with access to global information and cultural resources.

Purchasing affordable broadband from satellite Internet providers enables urban businesses and other creative industries to experience new life in rural settings while competing on the same level as city-based companies. Farmers gain real-time access to vital information such as crop prices or weather forecasts, and marketing opportunities through high-speed networks. And grandparents can talk to their grandchildren on a daily basis instead of waiting for them to visit them next summer.

The best rural satellite broadband providers

For how long will rural areas suffer due to being inaccessible in most areas? Without the Internet, the rural areas are often cut off from the urban cities, and the people are stripped off from the basic facilities and amenities. Anywhere Broadband was set up to provide rural residents with services that are often denied to them. We seek to bring the change by serving customers left out by the big commercial ISPs. We do it by dealing with multiple broadband providers and aproaching rural areas with the offers that would often not reach them simply because commercial providers rarely focus on rural customers.

Anywhere Broadband tackles the problem of rural and remote connectivity by introducing satellite broadband services for all. We overcome the challenges posed by the rural areas and continue to deliver uninterrupted broadband to the residents there. We work with satellite broadband providers to deliver what’s best on the market, to give our customers the best satellite internet service in rural areas. 

In today’s world, it has become important for people to stay connected with one another. The Internet is the only mode of platform through which this can be done. Attending an online class or running an online meeting gets interrupted if there is not stable connectivity in your area. With the help of satellite Internet providers, this problem gets solved easily. The offered plans are feasible enough and make it possible for everyone to have an Internet connection. Anywhere Broadband has played an important role in connecting the most remote areas to the outer world and has made living a little easier for the rural people.

While wired Internet can still be found in cities and towns, the procedure of setting this up becomes impossible once the structure of the terrain changes. The introduction of satellite broadband has brought a massive change on this front. We have the ability to reach those places where most Internet providers cannot dream of going to. The team at Anywhere Broadband has experience in providing services to rural areas and knowledge of the needs rural customers have. We focus on rural areas and we work with multiple technologies to offer what’s available, not what the provider wants to sell. This is important. There are many ISPs claiming they provide rural broadband services but when you dig deeper you learn that these are their standard broadband services, just wrapped in marketing label of “rural” services. Oftentimes it’s not what rural customer needs. 

Over the years rural customers tried many different services including different satellite internet providers such as BigBlu or Avanti and learnt the limitations these services had. Fortunately, new generation of satellites brought about better and cheaper satellite broadband plans and satellite providers such as Konnect finally offer much more affordable unlimited plans for all. 

What should you expect from your satellite braodband provider?

  • Unlimited usage – broadband plan with no “hard cap” 
  • No (hidden) extra charges for usage
  • Reliable connection 
  • Professional installation

Satellite dish installation is another point to address. For years satellite broadband companies would seek to “decrease” the perceived cost by offering “simple” self install option. Very often the customers would end up cancelling without even trying the service or payiong extra for local technician to install the service. Inexpericenced installers as well as self-installs are not the recommended way of doing it. Satellite dish installation cost is often seen as unjustified by from our experience it’s money well spend. Installation takes usually around 2-4 hours if done by a professional and you can often find out right away if the system will work for you saving time and money. Not to mention that it’s your home, better to pay that extra fee and get it done right instead of worrying if your tools can take it without destroying the walls!

Why choose us

We have been working with rural customers for years. We have experience, knowledge of rural needs and requirements and we focus on rural and remote areas. We work with multiple broadband providers and we offer the same pricingf as they do. What’s more, we are not tied to one offer, one provider, so we can offer better advise to our customers by having a range of broadband options and services. When you opt for Anywhere Broadband, your Internet connectivity falls in the safest of hands.

  • High Speed Broadband
    We are trusted because of our superfast broadband solutions. The packages come at an affordable price, and each price plan has something new and great to offer. The best news is that no matter whichever plan you choose, we are signing you up for an unlimited usage data service. We offer the best satellite Internet providers with the most convenient packages. Put your faith in Anywhere Broadband for the best results.
  • Experts for rural areas
    An uninterrupted flow of the Internet connectivity is available in most urban areas. The rural areas suffer since most Internet providers find it difficult to lay overhead or underground wires in the rough terrain. With Anywhere Broadband, this problem gets solved. We have gained the reputation of delivering high-speed Internet to some of the most remote areas. Even the most challenging locations get covered by our satellites, and you get to work with the unlimited Internet.
  • Range of broadband offers
    We work with multiple ISPs in offering the best what they have in the areas they neglect due to low population density and low return on investment. Our expertise comes from working with these areas and these customers and we bring several options irrespectively of what any one of the providers offers.

Why get our satellite broadband service for your home?

  • Stay in touch with friends and family

    With Anywhere Broadband, you can keep in touch with people you love. Being connected means more than just being able to stream movies, it’s about being able to contact your family and friends. Rural residents often find themselves disconnected, not being able to talk to their kids or grandkids. After all, landline is not what it used to be. To be able to connect, especially with the youngest ones, we need to adjust to the world they are in. We need to not only have uninterrupted voice plans but also video calls and chats as well as social media platforms. We need to be where our families are. Through quick email and instant messaging, through video calls and messangers, you can always be close to your loved ones.

  • Online shopping and the latest entertainment

    From luxuries to groceries, be assured that you will not miss out on anything because of lack of internet connectivity. Browse through online supermarkets smoothly, and book events and holidays conveniently through our fast web connection. 

    Our top-notch satellite internet service will also let you choose from a wide range of entertainment choices. Be assured that you can access streaming movies and TV, music services, and video sites from the comfort of your home.

How our satellite internet service will aid your business?

If a poor broadband connection is slowing your business down and affecting growth, then it is time that you choose Anywhere Broadband’s top-class broadband service. Being one of the expert satellite internet providers, we know that businesses come in varied shapes and sizes. Hence, we offer you an array of best satellite internet plans that cover both large and small businesses. They will benefit you in the following ways:

  • Attract more customers

    Digital businesses attract more customers simply by being exposed to a wider audience. Nowadays being digital doesn’t mean offering digital service, it means being there, in the digital sphere, having website, having email address and online form. Being able to showcase what we do without the need to visit briack and mortar space. Operating from a remote location should not restrict your exposure to potential customers and clients. With fast satellite internet access, you can promote your business online quickly and easily. It doesn’t always mean having costly business class satellite internet, in many cases a standard data plan will do.

  • Work from anywhere

    With fast and reliable internet service, you can set up your office at home or any convenient location. VPN and other such services let you access your corporate network from home. Anywhere Broadband understands your needs and offers high-class web service that helps you avoid the commute and manage conference calling without any hassle. Satellite internet service for rural areas allows you to work where you live, however remote is your home. All you may need to opt in is Static IP.

  • Manage your business

    A fast internet connection lets you manage your accounts and avail online banking at your convenience. You can easily handle daily tasks with smooth access to apps and relevant services. Additionally, you can easily store data and backup vital files to cloud services. Opt for affordable satellite option and be where your clients and customers are! Also, check our business grade broadband options!

  • Access government services

    Internet connection is currently the best way of accessing a range of services central and local governemnts offer. Without it you won’t be as competitive as your rivals. You won’t be able to learn about grants offered to businesses, download forms needed by your business and more. 

Cheap unlimited satellite internet

We are often asked by potential customers about cheap and unlimited satellite internet. As we mentioned before, satellite internet is no longer a very expensive option, low cost satellite internet is not a myth. At the same time, the cheapest option available is not always the best (and the cheapest!). We believe in matching customer needs with market offers and this is why we always try to understand the needs first. Many satellite broadband providers will offer cheap unlimited satellite internet as default, basically because it’s easiest to sell. What the customer ends up with, is very often unusable. Rural satellite internet service has to be usable. Has to provide value to the customer. Most of these cheap plans come with the cost of capped service and low allowance. We prefer to discuss options and requirements and talk about affordable and unlimited satellite internet services. This is where the value is. Low cost satellite internet combined with unlimited data usage and cooling off period for your safety. Opt for best value satellite internet delivered by satellite broadband providers!